Isolation for Machinery and Equipment
facilities often have a need to isolate sensitive equipment from
surrounding vibration or shock from other equipment sources. It is often more efficient and less costly to isolate a vibrating
machine from it source than it's surrounding environment. Novibra's isolation
technology can achieve effective isolation in either of these instances.

degree of vibration or shock disturbances will render sensitive
equipment such as coordinating measuring machines (picture below)
completely useless. The entire function of these instruments relies
on unencumbered operation from start to finish.

A common solution is to construct an isolation inertia block which
effectively shields the equipment from the transmission of vibration
from outside sources. Properly designed and constructed, the inertia
block laid on top of the correct isolation mounts or and or pads, will provide
protection for sensitive pieces of equipment. The same application
will dampen vibration created by machinery and protect the surrounding
for Buildings and Structures
trains, streetcars, machinery and equipment - all sources of vibration
in buildings and structures. Failure to consider these factors in
building engineering may have serious ramifications for building
owners and occupants. Novibra's selection of isolation products
have proven effective in controlling vibration in demanding environments,
including seismic activity.
Recording studios, theaters, and residential apartments around the
world have benefited from the use of Novibra products to isolate
their foundations from vibration. Using proven engineering techniques
and a combination of rubber, composites and steel components, vibration
in problem areas can be effectively reduced.
in buildings cause by outside sources is not just a nuisance - it
can dramatically affect the life span and maintenance requirements
of the building by degrading the structural integrity of foundations,
supporting members and curtain walls.
As well, vibration has a negative effect on human health contributing
to stress and other health related problems. Vibration isolation
is an important factor in creating a pleasant, safe environment
where people can live, work and play in comfort.
If you are planning a building project, or anticipate future problems
as a result of subway, rail, or road extensions, consider all your
options. WILREP Ltd. has the answers to vibration control problems.